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Work Profile

Namaskar myself Yogesh Chandrakant nachankar Tal.chiplun Dist.Ratnagiri State: Maharashtra for the last 15 years in this service I have done various activities for the students and the community during this covid period many activities have been successful for the students as community. I introduce my work as follows:1. When the school was closed during the corona period I wondered what would happen to their education I did various activities for the students launched online learning through Google meet Zoom app. Produced various educational videos for the students by by creating its own channel through YouTube conducted online test of students. Guided students through various online competitions always made home visits for students who are in in remote areas. Guided the the students on the the study to to do on the the Wadi settlements 2) sanitation compaign was carried out for the the cleanliness of temples and permises in the village.3) distributed uniforms to you were students as well as assisted students under poor adoption scheme.4)Jidd school has helped financial for mentally retarded school for two consecutive years.4) planted trees planting programs in the schools as well as village permises.5) participanted any various health related activities for the the help of students.5) along with the students he  the farmer of the village  their work and imported education on agriculture to the students.8)AIDS  eradication, population growth, public awareness programmes in the school and village areas.9) during the corona period I guided the students various online competitions and achieved success in in various competitions like selfie with rangoli video competition drawing competition etc 10)  during thisTeachers Created online meeting as well as videos to guide student in how to to teach online.11)during this period there was a catastrophic situation In our chiplun City. Chiplun Was  badly damaged during this time packing  of foods grains ,household items etc.for flood victims as well as financial help was given to them.12)Distributed Books,Notebooks compass boxesand other materialsThe affected students  and also provided financial Assistance to them.13) after the breakage of Tivre  Dam our village hugh damage was done to Tivare villege and financial help was  given to the villagers.14)during the corona  period  I was on Corona duty At Kumbharli chiplun with the police. this included  checking the help ofPassenger checking the information  etc

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