I am a dreamer, achiever, and inspiration to many. Being in the field of higher education for more than three decades, I was able to share my knowledge, experiences and wisdom with many of my young students. Hardcore teacher and a sincere researcher, I was able to produce three Ph.D students and thousands of graduate and Post graduate students. I am a Fulbright Scholar, represented India and got an opportunity to deliver syllabus/lectures in many USA Universities like Sanjose State University, California, University of Berkley, California, University of Hawaii, University of West Georgia, Clayton State University Atlanta. I have 65 well researched publications to my credits, and one of my book ‘Dalit Movement in South India’ had received International Literary Award of 2004.. I am working as Professor and Head in the Department of History, B K Birla College since 1990 and from December 2013 to May 2015 as Principal, and Sr. Vice Principal at Birla College Kalyan. since May 2015, For all these years I have grown as a Principal, Teacher and as a Researcher in the field of History. I am recipient of many awards and Fellowships. The most important amongst them are Heras –Tata Post doctoral fellowship, Fulbright- Nehru Visiting lecturer fellowship and Indus Foundation Research Excellence Award. I am described as excellent teacher, keen researcher and an able academic administrator. I have very good subject knowledge and possesses excellent communication skills. I am a recognized Research Guide for M. Phil. 11 students have completed their M. Phil degree under my guide ship. I am instrumental in initiation and commencement of Ph. D. Research Centre at B K Birla College since 2010. I have successfully guided 06 student for the award of Ph. D Degree, and 04 students are pursuing Ph. D. under my guidance. I have 1 Major Research Project (by UGC), 1 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship and 07 Minor Research projects (2 funded by UGC and 5 funded by University of Mumbai) to my credit. As Director, Center for Studies in Epigraphy, I have conducted various courses in ancient languages like Pali and Sanskrit. As the Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, I played a pivotal role in the ‘Best College Award’ of University of Mumbai 2008. I have been told by many that I am inspiration to them. So I think I am a right candidate for FSIA THE REAL SUPER WOMEN AWARDS 2021 under the category of Teacher and Researcher.
Director General Commendation Card, 2007 for being one of the Best NCC Officer in the country.
Seven Years Long Service Medal in NCC
Ambedkar International Mission, Canada has awarded International Literary Award of the year 2004 for the book ‘Dalit Movement in South India [1857-1950].
Research Fellowship [1999-2001],of UGC, FIP of IX Five Year Plan.
Assessor with NAAC [Assessed 13 Colleges till date]
RESEARCH GUIDE FOR M.Phil and Ph.D with University of Mumbai
11 students have completed M.Phil and 03 student awarded Ph.D
Five students are working for Ph.D
·Visited Clayton State University and University of West Georgia,NY University, North Carolina University, USA under Faculty Exchange programme in 2008, 2009, 2016.
·SanJose State University, USA, Fulbright Fellowship 2013
·Paper presentation – Portugal, Sri Lanka, Bali, Bangkok, Singapore, Paris
11 students have completed M.Phil
Three student awarded Ph.D degree
Five Students are working for Ph.D
Active Membership of Academic and Research Institutions
The Asiatic Society of Mumbai- Life Member.
The Indian History Congress- Life Member.
The Epigraphic Society of India - Life and Executive Committee Member
The Place Names Society of India - Life and Executive Committee Member
Society of Ancient Science and Archaeology- Life and Executive Committee Member
Indian Society for Buddhist Studies- Life Member
·Maharashtra ItihasParishad, Pune- Annual Member
Research Projects
·Minor Research Project of University of Mumbai for the year 2003-04
oTopic-- Mahatma Gandhi: A Journey From Vikom To Temple Entry Proclamation Via Gurvayur
·Minor Research Project of U. G. C. Pune for 2003-04.
oTopic-- History of Tattoo: A Body Art in India
·Minor Research Project of University of Mumbai for the year 2004-05
oTopic- Impact of Portuguese Coinage on Indian Coinage- A case Study of Goa.
·Minor Research Project of University of Mumbai for the year 2006-07
oTopic-- EV Ramaswamy Periyar and Self Respect Movement.
·Minor Research Project of U. G. C. Pune for the year 2010-11
oTopic--Strategies of Mahatma Gandhi and Ramaswamy Periyar for women Empowerment in India
·Minor Research Project of University of Mumbai for the year 2010-12 Topic-- Origin, Development And Usage Of Significant Buddhist Symbols In Tibet
·Major Research Project of UGC for the year 2012-014
·Topic- Significance of Portuguese Inscriptions from Goa
·Tata Heras POST Doctoral Fellowship Project, Heras Institute, Mumbai, 2015-17
Topic-Position Of Women Under Portuguese As Reflected Through Portuguese Inscriptions From Goa
·Minor Research Project of University of Mumbai for the year 2017-18 Topic--“Religious Symbolism: Scientific And Socio-Cultural Significance In India [With Special Reference To The Twin Cities: Kalyan-Dombivli]
Books /Study Materials
1.Status Of Women Under Portuguese Rule, Transcribed From Portuguese Inscriptions In The Region Of Goa. Serials Publications, New Delhi. ISBN -978-93-86611-46-8, 2018
2.Introduction to Archaeology, Mannan Publishher, Vile Parle, ISBN 978-93-87547-73-5, 2018, along with two co authors
3.‘INTRODUCTION TO MUSEOLOGY AND ARCHIVAL SCIENCE’Mannan Publishher,Vile Parle.ISBN 978-93-87547-73-5, long with two co authors
4.Archaeology and Historical Tourism – (2nd edition ), Mannan Publishher, Vile Parle, ISBN 978-93-84400-13-2, 2015
5.Evoluton of Dalit Movement in South India, Lap Lambert Acedemic Publishing, Germany, May 2013, ISBN-978-3-659-35615-5.
6.Ancient India’ [ed] Study Material for S.Y.B.A. History Paper III ‘Revised Syllabus for the students of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai.2011.
7.Study Material Study Material for T.Y.B.A. History Paper VI (Option ‘B’) Revised Syllabus for the students of Distance Education, University of Mumbai.2009
8.for T.Y.B.A. History Paper VI (Option ‘B’) Revised Syllabus for the students of Distance Education, University of Mumbai.2006
9.‘Rights of Dalit’ [ed] . Serials Publications, New Delhi. 2006. ISBN-81-8387-042-2
10.‘Socio-Cultural History of Medieval India’ [AD 1200 - AD1757] Study material for M.A.II of S N D T University, Mumbai, April 2006.
11.‘Economic History of Medieval India’ [AD 1200 - AD1757] Study material for M.A.II of S N D T University, Mumbai, April 2006.
12.“Elements of Archaeology Museology, and Library Science’ Published by Manan Prakashan, Vileparle (with other co-authors), 2005.
13.‘Puratatva-shastraVastu-sangrahalaya-shastra, and Granthalayashastrachi Multatave’ (Marathi), Manan Prakashan, Vileparle, Mumbai.2005.
14.‘Dalit Movement in South India’ [1857-1950], Serials Publication, New Delhi, 2004, received International Literary Award, 2004 from Ambedkar International Mission Canada, ISBN- 81-86771-39-5
15.Convener and writer of the Study Material for SYBA, History paper III - Ancient India for the students of Distance Education, University of Mumbai.2003.
16.Study Material for T.Y.B.A. History Paper VI (Option ‘B’) for the students of Distance Education, University of Mumbai.1997
19.“Elements of Museology, Archaeology, Archival and Library Science’ Published by MananPrakashan, Vileparle (with other co-authors), 1995.
20.Translated the Study Material of Department of Distance Education, University of Mumbai, for S.Y.B.A. students “Ancient India “(Earliest Times to 1000 A.D.)1994
Research Papers Published in Journals and Seminar Volumes
1.“Portuguese Inscriptions in the Region of Goa’ published in Studies in Indian EpigraphyVol. XLV,2020, ISSN 0970-4760 UGC 48068
2.‘INSIGHT INTO REFORMATION OF MUNICIPAL TAXES : THE APPROACH OF BOMBAY MUNICIPAL ACT II OF 1888’ AMIERJ, Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, Special Issue I, eb 2020, ISSN-2278-5655
3.‘Mahatma Gandhi: A Journey From Vikom to the Temple entry proclamation via Gurvayur’ in Facets of Mahatma Gandhi (ed), 2020, ISBN : 978-93-85218-98-9
4.‘Christianity And Its Linkages To Ancient Indian past With Special Reference To Pehlavi Cross From Agasaim, Goa’, AMIERJ, Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal along with Deepak Suryawanshi, Special Issues- XVII(A), 2019, ISSN-2278-5655, impact factor 6.236
5.‘हर्षकालीन समाजजीवन व धार्मिक स्तिथी’ International Journal of Emerging Technologies And innovative Research, International Peer reviewed, Open Access Journal, UGC Approved Journal, with Jitendra Bhamare, JETIR Publication, Vol.6, issue 1, Jan2019, ISSN : 2349-5162, Impact factor 5.87
6.‘POSITION OF WOMEN UNDER PORTUGUESE AS REFLECTED THROUGH PORTUGUESE INSCRIPTIONS FROM GOA’, Under Publication in INDICA, research journal by Hears Institute of Indian History and Culture, Mumbai, ISNN 0019-686x
7.‘Inscriptions From St Augustine Tower having Human Skull And Bones Representing Connection Of Pirates?’ AMIERJ, Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, along with Deepak Suryawanshi, Special Issues- XVII(A), 2019, ISSN-2278-5655, impact factor 6.236
8.‘Ornithology : Glimpses from Jataka Tales’ Journal of Ancient Science and Archaeology along with Charusheela Chandanshive, Journal of Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India, Vol VII, 2019,ISBN-13-9789350500057
9.‘Portuguese Coinage- A cultural transition’ Veethika – An International interdisciplinary journal, double blind peer reviewed journal, QTanlytics India, Vol.5 No 1 (2019), E-ISSN: 2454-342x
10.‘Conservation and Preservation of Ancient Monuments in British India : A Study’ International Journal of Emerging Technologies And innovative Research, International Peer reviewed, Open Access Journal, UGC Approved Journal ,JETIR Publication, Vol.6, issue 5, May 2019, ISSN : 2349-5162, Impact factor 5.87
11.‘Some Light on Buddhist Calendar System in Asia’ Journal of Ancient Science and Archaeology, Vol IX, 2019, ISBN-9789387587823
12.‘Silom Inscription – Some Observations’ Journal of Ancient Science and Archaeology, Vol IX, 2019, ISBN-9789387587823
13.Socio-Economic Dynamics of Indian Society, A Historical Overview. By Eminent Indian Scholars, in ‘Gupta Economy’ (ed) Vivek Publication 2019, ISBN-978-81-908962-0-7
14.‘EDUCATION FOR DALITS IN HYDERABAD STATE BEFORE INDEPENDENCE’ published in Ajanta, Peer reviewed Referred and UGC listed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Journal No 40777, ISSN 2277-5730, Impact factor/Indexing 2018- 5.5