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Shradha karuna




Poet,Writer,Student,Humanitarian and Director of Humantarian Organization KASAAUSS Karuna Sagar Aatmik Uthaan Seva Samiti


BSc(Maths), Deled(Btc),Graduated




Uttar Pradesh








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"It's all start with a pain,It's all start with one thought that either you will kill yourself from that pain or make that pain your role model and give yourself a gift,a beautiful gift of change."

Please always choose the second one... Built yourself from that pain because that's what always leaders do.

Hi My Name is Shradha Karuna Sagar.I am poet,writer,Humanitarian,and currently working for your Organization(How can I say it's my organization If it is working for you)Yes you read right I am working for your Humanitarian Organization Karuna Sagar Aatmik Uthaan Seva Samiti which is based in Uttar Pradesh I am working for you guyzz right now and wants to sacrifice my whole life for the sake of your happiness without a blink.Because I believe that beauty of life is not just in living for yourself rather your life becomes beautiful only when you make the life of others beautiful through your life through your light through your love through your shine.

In today's World I know it's difficult to love It's difficult to understand the theory of trust it's difficult to make this world believe in humanity because in a world full of lies where can we find that honesty but always remember "My Father always tells me that whatever you are searching for yourself in others it's all starts from you."Why should we wait for someone to come and make this world beautiful for us???"Why should we sit and hate this World when we have the Capability to change this World"And I am proudly,would like to invite you all to come and start your incredible life changing journey with us because We all are the creators We all are the leaders We all are the fortune makers We all are the game changers and We are the one who born to become that change which we wish to see on this Earth.

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3 Talent Rounds to Qualify for City Winners

Finale in August

Grand Finale in December