I had my started my journey of alternative healing theapy at the age of 16 with Reiki.
Then i gradually entered the field of alternative therapy with different modalities like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Sujok Therapy, Coffee cup reading, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Wax Scrying, Angel Therapy, Numerology, Tarot card reading, Vastu, Crystal Healing, Candle Magic, etc.
I am practicing and teaching all these modalities since last 25 years. I am still going on this journey and learning new things. In this Pandemic i felt people's pain, supported and helped them in coming out from Depression, Anxiety, Fear due to no jobs/business. I healed them when the patients were hospitalized and still going on.
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i am associated with Trust/Institution like Maru Ghar and supported and helped them by providing groceries.
I believe in the theory of Karma. And I am trying my actions, thoughts, beliefs are postive and do not intend to hurt others Physically, Mentally or Emotionally.